
Friday, April 30, 2010

Putting Off

Did you know there is a difference between procrastinating, avoiding and putting things off. I have discovered that the difference is the level of emotional irritation or discomfort one may have to endure when following through on whatever it is you are attempting to "Avoid, procrastinate or putting off". Example: Putting up a fence, planting flowers, weeding, finishing the basement are all things that I put off. Reason being is the minute I think about them a recognize that there is a lot of work involved, not to mention, time and money. Hum mm, not into doing it right now so I think about them, and that is the extent of it. Laundry; this is an on going avoidance for me, I am aware that it has to be done, I avoid doing it as it doesn't ever seem to be done. It is like the Mary Poppins bag, every time I reach in the hamper there is something to be pulled out. However if I look into it there doesn't seem to be that much there. Grocery shopping is a procrastination, I think about and think about the time and money involved of having to do it and than decide we have enough food and supplies to survive, this isn't necessary to do right this minute. Which two days later, I am asked if I would be getting milk any time soon. This in turn forces me to do it as I now have a mutiny pending.
I believe most things start as a "Put off", which than becomes an "Avoidance", in the end it because an emotional "Ahhhhh" that moves it to "Procrastination" it is when the emotional "Ahhhh" becomes an "Oh Sh*#" that you move into action.
This may not be the case for you, however this is the truth for me. Hence the reason for my not writing yesterday as I put it off. I also avoid the guidance my angels gave me on Wednesday. Now, I am facing that "Ahhh" which put me into action.
I surrender and trust
Today's guidance: Playfulness (unsure), Divine Timing, Balance (I am aware of this, currently rectifying it)

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