
Monday, April 12, 2010

Stress Managment

There are many ways to handle stress management, breathing, relaxation, pressure points etc. I was unsure about what I was stressed about when I pulled the "stress management" card. I generally do not feel stress, the clue for me is a screaming neck ache which then turns into a migraine. I wasn't feeling these signs, so again I was unsure. I had mentioned it would be beneficial for me to do some grocery shopping so, I headed out after much procrastination. It was while I was lolli-gagging through store that I recalled an appoint I had at 1 or was it 1:30. I looked at my phone and the time said 12:28 Oh dear, I hurried and called the lady I was to meet to clarify the time, it was to be 1:30 however she was running early and would be able to make it there by 1:00. I told her I would be there at 1:15 which gave me 45 minutes to check-out (not finish shopping) get home unload the groceries and drive the 20 minutes to get there. I made it with two minutes to spare and I managed to get there before her. That isn't my point, my point is how quickly we can create a stressful situation. I might add that I have yet to finish my grocery shopping. I feel relieved to know what I was going to be stressed about. I may have been able to prevent this had I looked at my calendar to remind me. Lesson learned. Be mindful of days events before throwing extras in. The weekend was full of exciting moments and adventures. I am grateful to all those I share my life with as they provide a constant learning environment.
I am taking deep breaths and reminding myself that I have all the time I need.
Today's guidance is: Wise Decision, Healing and Commitment
I surrender & trust

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