
Friday, February 26, 2010

Practice Makes Perfect

I do believe the big message for this week is Practice Makes Perfect. It is the third day in a row that I have pulled this card. I will keep Practicing.
I am unable to get on to Facebook. I sent information to their "help" people and I haven't heard back. In case I am not able to get on before Sunday this is a friendly reminder about the "Full Moon Meditation".
Yesterday I had many experiences that tested my confidence and optimism. I feel I am a very Optimistic person, but every now and than the paranoid aspect appears and tests me. It is nice to know that my guardian angels support me in this. I was reminded today that Archangel Michael is with me shoring up my Confidence so that I may fearlessly face and enjoy the tasks in front of me and maintain Confidence in God's power to keep me safe and secure.
I Surrender & Trust
Guidance for Today is: Practice Makes Perfect, Sleep (unsure), & Wise Decision (unsure)

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I was able to write yesterday, however after I wrote, I couldn't get into anything else. My website, facebook and I don't recall the other one. I had been blocked out of all forms of communication. Has this ever happened to you? I am still blocked out of two things, any suggestions?
My guidance yesterday was about Commitment, Love, & practice makes perfect. I believe it was a reminder to re-commit myself to helping others heal and practice my gifts more. It was also a reminder to love myself more when facing conflict. We all have different trials, but rather than degrading or demeaning ourselves for not achieving what we perceive is our best is not healthy or helpful. Love yourself in spite of all those things. That does take practice to become good at it, so start now.
Guidance for today:Practice Makes Perfect, Confidence, Optimism (unsure)

I Surrender & Trust

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ya who

I am on and it is working. HURRAY!!!!
Guidance for today: Commitment, Love (unsure), Practice makes Perfect (unsure)
Can I just say that I did not pull the PAUSE or RETREAT card yesterday but I sure was in that stage for two days. It has been lifted and what ever I learned in that time frame, ya me.
I had a very informative dream on Monday and Tuesday night, I guess this was apart of "Looking Deeper" . "Move is one of my favorite cards, I get to dance and run around, which in turn helps with the "Steady Progress".
I am reading Deepak's Hidden Dimensions of Life book again and I love it. It really reminds me of what is important and what I want to accomplish. I recommend you read it. I know this is short but I am volunteering at my daughters school today and I have to get ready.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Not again

I am continually amazed at how the Angels communicate with me. I began this blog talking about what I had learned for Higher Education. It was deleted. I attempted to write about things I learned in a session with a client, it wouldn't save. So I am writing about what is currently happening as that is where I am. I was asked if I could be a super hero who would I be? I begin with the usual like Buffy (she kicks but), than went to spiritual leaders such as Mother Teresa, Buddha,etc, and than I remembered one of my favorite movies, KUNG FU PANDA. I thought hmmmm I would like to be Panda, than it hit me, I would rather be Master Uhgway (the Turtle). He was smart, gentle, kind, and had a sense of humor. I know he may not be a real super hero, but I think he is. My question still remains, Who would you be?
I Surrender & Trust.
Guidance for today is: Steady Progress, Look Deeper, & Move. Unsure on all accounts.

Friday, February 19, 2010


For the past few days I have been fighting off some sort of muck. Some would say that I have a head cold, others would say I am thinking to hard (obviously they don't know me that well). Either way I am not enjoying it. It has now worked its way into being a croupy cough. This morning I came to realize that I know what this muck is, I shall call it the "Fog of learning". It's is similar to "Pause" when I push to hard, I don't move forward. If I think to hard I over analyze. When the "Fog of learning" sets in I can not think because my head is "Clogged", Get it? Or we can go back to calling it a head cold. I prefer "Fog of Learning" though. Ironically, the guidance for today is "Higher Learning" (ewww creepy).
I Surrender & Trust
Guidance for Today is: Optimism (I am getting better), Higher Education ( unsure), and Pray ( which of course goes hand in hand with Higher Learning.) Sweet.
Have a great Weekend.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Still Excited

I love helping individuals get through their illusions, muck and mind f#!@. I am growing, learning and loving every minute of it. A few minutes ago my mind had taken me down a path that wasn't in alignment with my excitement. I looked up at the refrigerate and saw a magnet which said: "What if you just KNEW everything was working out perfectly? TRUST" (my friend Jaymi gave this to me for my birthday, Thank you Jaymi) I had to chuckle, because this magnet wasn't where I had placed it on my fridge. So, I looked at the spot where it was originally and there where two magnets in its place that said "Encourage Voice". All I can say to that is THANK YOU ANGELS.
I have been inspired to create and so I shall. As for my guidance yesterday, I am Healing in more ways than one, I continue to move forward in what I believe and will nurture myself along the way. I am blessed.
Guidance today is: Blessings of Abundance, Sweetness (unsure), Commitment
I Surrender & Trust

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I have this huge bubbly feeling in my stomach, I am anticipating greatness, I am unsure what that is, but know I will enjoy it. Excitement, is one of the highest vibrations there is. I love it.
Today's guidance is: Activist, Mother, & Healing (unsure)
With those new awareness's I received over the weekend I have realized I am becoming more and more the Activist, who knew? I am currently fighting a "cold" which is why I am healing. As for Mother, I will leave that to learn about. Yesterday's guidance was, Wise decision, Confidence & Believe. My definition of Believe is: By Eliminating Lies I am Empowered, Validated, & Energized. This was a reminder to look for "Truth", in doing so, I am building my Confidence. Thank you for the reminder.
I would like to share with you what happened to me last night at dance, I had on experience of my ears ringing, I know what this means and sometimes it isn't a good time for me. However, this was persistent. I stopped dancing for a minute, went with in and asked what I was being asked to do. One of the ladies dancing was having a rough day and I was asked to help heal her. Now here is where I always hesitate, this woman has no idea what I do and from conversations, I don't know that she would be comfortable in my suggesting to step outside for a minute. So, I opted to offer her healing while dancing. It was amazing, my ears stopped ringing and I could feel the anxiety being lifted off of her. She left shortly after that, so I am unsure of how I helped. I do know that my ears stopped ringing. My question is: By not asking her if I could offer her help, did I violate a boundary?
I surrender and trust!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Value Bank

I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's day and a relaxing President's day. I had a few break throughs, some of which I am not allowed to elaborate on as I am in the process of clarifying what they mean to me.
Last week I was reminded of the "value bank" this is what I had been attempting to write about and I wasn't allowed to do so. I believe it was because I wasn't through learning. Hence, the "Higher Education" card and me wondering the reason. Now I know. "Value Bank" is the account in which you place a percentage of your earnings to remind you of your worth. When you have nothing in "savings" you feel as if you are "Nothing". Does this mean you have trillions of dollars in this "account" and you starve? No, this means you continue to contribute to this account and spend it on things that will increase your "value". I know what you are thinking and again no it doesn't mean a boob job or botox. These may be good on the surface, however if you still feel that you are not "enough" than spending it on those "things" will not increase your "value" at all. In truth only you can decide what to spend it on. All I know is that it must only be spent on what will make you feel whole. Because if you don't spend it on this you will have sold yourself (prostituted) and the cycle will continue. This is what I was reminded of. I have money in my "value bank", however what I was spending it on was not of true value for me. I know this lesson will continue and as I grow I hope you do also. I surrender and trust.
Guidance for today: Confidence, Believe, Wise Decision (wondering)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Funny thing about Pause

As I have stated on previous blogs,"PAUSE" has become my Achilles heel. I didn't get to write yesterday as the Internet kept kicking me off and my blog wouldn't save, so I kept writing and re-writing the same thing. I finally remember that I was suppose to not "do" anything. Today I am hope that this one will at least go through. Right now the note at the bottom of my screen reads, "*could not contact blogger.com. Saving and publishing may fail, retry." If this actually goes through I will be ecstatic. Needless to say, I am fighting the "Pause".
Alright already. I will not push the issue.
I surrender!!!! and trust.
Guidance for the weekend is: Higher Education (wondering), Look Deeper, & Don't Compromise (wondering)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Do you ever have one of those days were you realize how lucky you are? I am having one of those days. I have a wonderful, loving & understanding (not to mention "HOT") husband, my children are caring, smart and creative, my friends are amazing, my siblings are patient and supportive. My home is my haven. "Betty" keeps us safe when we are on the road, and I am healthy, wealthy ( in so many ways) and learning. I love it. My heart is full of gratitude, for all those people who have helped me become who am I. Thank You!!!!!!
I surrender & trust
Today's guidance: Be Brave, Pause, You are a Leader; (wondering about all of them)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Connecting or Re-connecting

Interesting enough, when teachers give children homework do you think they know what affect it may have on the parents? My son has be given a homework assignment of spending 20 minutes a week for the next four weeks outside in nature. This has to be a place where he will not be disturbed. In that time he is to write down his thoughts and feelings. The goal is to help him "Connect" with himself. I am so excited about this. I think this is a great assignment for all of us to do for the next four weeks. We have made this a family project, my son isn't as excited about it as I, but I look forward to what we both learn.
I Surrender and Trust.
Guidance for Today: Commitment, Heaven is Watching over me, Be Brave (wondering)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Holding on

I love roller coaster rides, however when life begins to reflect a continual roller coaster ride I tend to want to get off. The ups, downs, twists and turns make me motion sick. The weird thing is that as soon as I get off I run over and go through the process all over again. I don't know what my favorite part is though. Is it the anticipation before getting on the ride or the rush once I am on it. I had a realization yesterday that in the past I haven't enjoyed the ride, I was already off the ride thinking about the next "rush" or getting bored with how this ride was going. With this realization I remember my commitment to "enjoy every moment" this year. So, I turned up my music and made up my own dance to Pink's "This is my rap song", I have to say it kicks butt. (that is not saying I do any Irish step dancing in this). My daughter and I sang our hearts out to Karaoke and cried while watching "Twilight". I am off to have another day like yesterday, living in the moment and being in anticipation of what the next moment will bring. Holding on and enjoying the ride! I suggest you do the same.
I Surrender & Trust
Guidance for today: Speak My Truth, Vision, Stress Management

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Surrender, let go.

I have been corrected, "Dude", means: an infected hair on an elephant's ass. Ewww, even worse.
With that being said, as soon as I let go of the "Why, just and how" questions that I allowed to plague me for the past week, I had an amazing awakening. Rather than fighting or arguing with my intuition I followed through with it. Now a world of opportunities has open up to me. I am so excited I can not contain it. This is how my Faith showed up yesterday. I realized that when I let go of what I thought my vision should look like and surrendered to God, my Vision is coming true. In light of my awakening, I had a come back to human form right after, which has left me scard. I was completely in my imagination and possibilities, I forgot I was cooking dinner. I reached into the microwave to grab a scalding hot ceramic mug. Reality came pouring back in as soon as I lifted the mug, and because I was committed to getting the mug out, I switched hands. Needless to say I have a blister on my left palm and my right thumb and pointer finger are a tad sensitive. Note to self: don't do your day dreaming while cooking. Also, be present or you will miss a true opportunity. Thank you for the lesson.
I Surrender & Trust.
Guidance for today: Stress Management, Optimism, and Healing (I believe this is for my burns, but I surrender that also.)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I know that I talk a lot about words and their meaning or definition, but you know it continually amazes me the words we use. For example last night, a teenager at Scouts asked me if I knew what "Dude" meant, I said it was slang for "friend", she replied "Nope, it is a hair on an elephants ass and a Dudette is two hairs". She looked it up again and showed me the definition. I immediately begin reviewing all the times I said "Hey, Dude" or "Dude, what are you doing" this review had me laughing. I am still chuckling as I hear people using it, like on the telephone commercial were individuals answer the phone saying "Dude". To show you how messed up my brain can be, I begin envisioning these hairs talking back. Can you see the comic/cartoon show? I even thought about those times someone said "Dude" back to me. Upon this reflections I begin to think, were they being friendly or were they calling me "a hair on an elephant's ass". Because to call me that is up there with being called a "horses ass" or as low as "hot dog water", and worse I wasn't even aware that I was being insulted. The comforting thought is I know most people don't know the original meaning for "Dude" so I know I am safe. Well, until now and I have shared this with you, so the next time any of you call me "Dude" I may call you on it to make sure you are not insulting me.

I surrender & trust

Guidance today: Optimism(wondering), Faith, Commitment

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wisdom of Disney

I have loved Disney since it first came out. Do you remember watching "Peter and the Wolf" in Fourth grade to learn about musical instruments? That and Snow White are my first memories. As a child Disney made me laugh and feel good. It didn't matter what movie it was I always felt good after watching it. Before I had children I use to get teased about owning every Disney movie, I didn't have children why would I have them. Now that I have children, they tease me about being able to quote from them. I still feel good after watching a Disney movie, but as an adult I see the wisdom in each movie. I was awaken at 1:56 am this morning thinking about how much I have learned from Disney.
I believe yesterday my higher education came from sessions with three amazing women. Each one reminded me of things I had forgotten, had put aside, and my own trigger words. I comment alot about how computers and I don't play well, I am not as computer savvy as most & the fact I am still trying to learn how to use my new phone. Thank you Allyson for correcting me. It isn't that I can not nor that I don't, it is because I would rather not. In truth, it requires me to do concrete thinking, which is a challenge for someone who switches from abstract to fragmented in one sentence. I would like to thank these ladies for assisting me in my growth. There is a saying " a good teacher learns from hers student." Thank you for helping me be that teacher.
How does this connect with Disney, well, last night "Kung Fu Panda" was on. Talk about a movie full of lessons. I watched it with my kids and husband, we laughed, we cried, and I once again had a saying stick in my head, (the one that woke me up) "There is no secret to the secret ingredient soup, it is special because you believe that it is." "You are the secret." Don't get caught up in the "WHY" or "How" accept it and allow it to evolve. I ask you to sit with that thought. So here is what my belief was, that computer work is hard and concrete; yep since I believed it, it was true. My new belief is computers are easy and fun to work with.
I surrender & Trust
Guidance today: Generosity, Vision, Triumphant

Monday, February 1, 2010

Judgement & Stress Management

I am sure none of you have experienced judgement, whether it's you doing the judging or you are being judged. I had an awareness this weekend with stress management in regards to judgement. I had lunch with my friends from high school. I haven't really seen or spoken to most of them in awhile. When we first set it up I was excited, however as the day drew near I became more and more nervous, expressed to others that I didn't want to go. By the morning of I was hoping everyone else would cancel. I told my husband how nervous I was, and he discussed with me the reasons why I may be nervous. The biggest one was "I didn't want to be judged", in high school I felt I had always been judged. I am grown-up (okay not really) and I have an amazing life. In the weeks before this lunch I began creating in my mind how this lunch would go, how each friend would point out my flaws, mistakes and that I hadn't accomplished much since I last saw them. As I was speaking to my husband, I realized I was the one judging me, not them. Isn't it funny what we chose to create stress in our lives. I was allowing a scenario I mentally created to decide how I felt and how I would react. I took a moment to remind myself that I love myself flaws, mistakes and unaccomplished goals and all. The only benefit I gain from causing myself stress & judgment in this matter is insecurity. Which in truth is not me.
I went enjoyed myself and learned a lesson in monitoring my emotions, stress management & healthy eating (when I am stressed I don't eat.) Weird how they all showed up for a lunch.
I surrender & trust!
Guidance for today: You are a leader (sure), Higher Education, & Wise Decision