
Friday, April 2, 2010


I am emotional which can be misinterpreted as Bi-polar. I have learned to maintain a positive emotional level though. I am not saying that getting angry is bad, in fact it is rather healthy. It is when you choose to hold onto that anger for days, months, or even years that it is unhealthy. Which leads into feeding your emotions. I asked how to do this yesterday, here is the answer. Let me explain, emotions feed off of thoughts unless you have learned the skill of having your thoughts feed off your emotions. Believe me there is a difference. You will notice the difference by the way you react. Ok I went off on a tangent, back to feeding emotions, if you are an angry person, you will find things that will constantly reinforce(feeding) that anger. If you are a happy person you will share it by going around smiling at others who will than smile back (food). It is quite amazing. Feel free to practice "feasting emotionally". It is Easter weekend a great time to practice this. My guidance yesterday was to be aware of any emotions that would trigger irritation. Which had surfaced on Wednesday. I don't want to hang onto it, therefor I was guided to be aware of ways I may attracted "food" to support that emotion.
Do you have an emotion that you continually feed? Is a good or negative one? How do you feed it?
Guidance for today is: Wise Decision, Commitment, Pray (unsure)
I Surrender & Trust

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