
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I believe in angels

Do you?

I have always believed in angels. When I was younger I wondered how they worked. My religious up bringing taught me that they were every where, but it didn't teach me how I could access them or benefit from interacting with them. Over the years, I have developed different ways to communicate with them and notice when they are around.
Just recently I went to "Arrival" a singing group that looks and sounds like "ABBA", (one of my favorite groups). A few days later my kids and I watched "Momma Mia", of course this encouraged an ABBA-a-thon (my poor husband). We had "ABBA" playing in every stereo, house, car and ipods. One of the songs got stuck in my head and I heard it over and over and over again. (As I am sure you have experienced). It sang me to sleep and than gently woke me up. I didn't mind as it is one of my favorite songs. Any how, while walking down the hall to put laundry away, I heard the song in my head in "STEREO", it was coming from my son's, daughter's and family rooms. This caused me to pause. While listening and singing along, a gentle breeze went past me and then chills ran through my body, I sat down to take note. I truly listened to the words and begin to cry. When the song was over, my daughter came out of her room, ran into me in the hall and stated "I can not get it to play the song over again, I push repeat and it says error, do you you think it has a scratch mommy?" I asked her what track it was on as I flipped it over to look for a scratch. She said "14", I flipped it back over, it said "tracks 1-12". The chills rushed over me again. I told my daughter to try the one in the family room. I sat there for quite a while just absorbing all the information and guidance I was receiving. One of the things I was guided to do was to share this experience with you and offer my services to help you learn how to communicate and connect with your angels.

Thank you Angels for your guidance and thank you friends for being you.