
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Steady Progress

Every night when I go to bed I play over in my mind how the day went. In the past I would obsess about what I didn't get done. Than I would lay awake attempting to figure out how I was to get everything done the next day. I became more & more focused on what I "had" to do or "needed" to do. Due to events in my life I have been taught that it isn't about the "to do list" it is about the reason I created the "list". For example: Today is my sons birthday; my past behavior would have been obsessing about making it a special day, decorating his room, making his favorite breakfast, birthday shopping weeks in advance, making sure the presents are wrapped and ready to go. Invitations would be sent out for his party (family or friend). The house would be cleaned three or four times prior to family coming over, cake would be made, gift bags would be created (even for family members), and then the home would be decorated to reflect that is was some ones birthday. Of course there would be a theme assigned to this birthday. Did I mention that during all this I still have household duties, working full-time (meaning a 10 hr work day), volunteer time at school, and seeing to my husband and daughters needs also. Honestly, I am becoming tired reviewing my past behaviors. I realized I did all this for him to make up for not being there all the time. Also, to prove to everyone else I am a great mom (even though I felt like I was failing in so many ways.)

Now a days I go to sleep being thankful for all the things I was able to accomplish and forgive myself for those I didn't. I treasure the moments I have with my children. So today after I finish writing this my son and I are off to spend the day together. What ever that looks like. Family will come over for a party and only receive cupcakes (that his aunt is making). I think that is progress.

I ask you what is the reason for your "to do list"?

Guidance for Today is: Believe, Healthy Eating, Practice Makes Perfect once again uncertainty surrounds all of them.

I Surrender & Trust

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I would like to ask for some assistance. I realize that we all have roles and I have no more than you, over the years I have been integrating all these roles into one identity. Meaning, I may have these roles however I well be who I am whether it is being Mom, Life Coaching, Angel Lady, Teacher, Sister, Wife, Dancer, Friend or Daughter.
It is interesting though how people from my past react to me now. Some it is of no surprise, others want to know what Occult I joined. For the longest time I have kept my friends in categories, those that know I am clairvoyant/empathic and those that don't. I have found it was best to keep them separated as it gave me the chance to Be. Recently, the two groups have meshed. Once again I am met with "Oh my God what have you done?" to " Sweet, can you tell me about my Grandmother? She died a couple of months ago, it would be nice to chat with her." For the most part I am no longer effected by their response. I am who I (no, I am not Popeye, some days it may be easier if I were) I am grateful that I have these gifts they have served me many times.
With all that said I would ask again for you assistance. If you have know some one for awhile or recently met them, how can one or two words change how you feel or react to them (perception)? Another example is, I worked with a lady for many years. Were we BBF's, no but I would call and ask for her assistance on things or email her with no problems until I found out she was a "Princess" a real live one. After that my own self worth came into play and I will be honest it didn't ever recover in regards to her. How come I allowed the title "Princess" change the way I interacted with her?
I would like to challenge you to think of the times that you changed how you interacted with some because of a word? Also, think of the times in which someone treated you different because of a word. Than ask yourself the reason you changed?
By the way do you see how the Angels guided me to talk about this today?
Guidance for today is: Steady Progress, Higher Education, Optimism all of which I am uncertain about.
I Surrender & Trust

Monday, March 29, 2010


"We are gavveered here to day to talk about Marwiage". Sorry every time I hear that word I think of the Priest in Princess Bride. I am back now. Having performed several marriage ceremonies, one of them being this past week, I am reflecting on my own. I have a wonderful marriage, we have been married 20 years this year and together 22. It is hard to believe that we have been together that long. It still feels like yesterday. Do we have our ups and downs, absolutely. It has been brought to my attention though that there is more than one type of marriage. I ask that you look up what "Marriage" in the dictionarymeans, you may be surprised at what you find. Marriages today don't seem to last very long, I know people that change spouses to match what their current interests are. Even while they are still married they are looking for their next mate. I will not go into how wrong I think that is, because that is my opinion and that isn't my focus today. What I am asking is for you to look at all the relationships that you are currently in friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, ex's etc. Out of all those relationships can you name one person that knows the real you? Better yet do you know the real you? How can you know for sure? I have to wonder if the friends I have that are changing their spouses to match their current interests, if what they are really looking for is really themselves?
It was an amazing weekend, I am grateful for all the experiences I had and the growth I am making.I am grateful to have the man in my life that sees me as I a really am; bumps, cuts, buises and all.
Guidance for Today is: Marriage (surprise), Believe, Don't Compromise (unsure)
I Surrender & Trust

Friday, March 26, 2010


I am on the road to higher education and for the last three to four days I have been talking about where I am going to school, what I am studying and the various course that are available. Para psychic Science for me has been an eye opener and a joy to learn. I originally was going to go into Metaphysics, I may still. However, with the things I am currently interested in, my profession and the learning more about how to better utilize my gifts Para psychic seemed the right choice. My husband is getting his Masters degree in Organizational Behavior, my friend Kimberley is getting her Masters in Spirituality and my sister is looking at getting her Masters in Physical Therapy. My friend Jaymi is working on getting her certificate in financial investing. I have nieces and nephews going to school for a wide variety of things. The struggle I had in going back to school was the accreditation part. Everyone wants to know if it is an accredited school, I am unsure what that means only that if it isn't I can not take the credit's from that school to an accredited one. Which to me seems stupid, if I went through the effort to get the credit why do I have to take the same class over again at your school. Can we not play nicely together? I feel for all those individuals that come from India, Africa or any other country that doesn't have a "school" that meets the US's criteria. My question is why do we put some much pressure on where we get our education from? Does it make a difference to you whether your doctor has a degree from Harvard or the Uof U? Does it matter to you if your accountant went to Yale or the Salt Lake Community College? Have you ever really looked at the creditials of either of them? Or is it more important to you that they know what they are doing and do it well?
I will get off my soap box and say everyone can achieve a degree, but how many of them actually receive the Education?
My guidance for today is Reward (unsure), Blessings of Abundance ( wondering about), Speak my Truth (just did).
I Surrender & Trust

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What is real and what isn't

Tuesday night as I was driving home from dance I created a scene (in my head) that I am still chuckling about. It was 10:15 pm, I was on 12600 S almost to Bangater, those of who are familiar with the area it isn't very well lite. I had just approached the light to turn into Riverton hospital when I noticed a small woman caring a child( I am guessing here). I could barely see the top of this woman''s head as a blanket was thrown over the top of whom ever she was caring. The only evidence that what she was caring wasn't a box was it had legs protruding out from under the blanket. She seemed burdened by what she was caring, however she had a determined step. I was in the other lane, and was feeling rather guilty about not being able to pull over and help alleviate her burden. I assumed she was headed to the hospital and felt a little better as she was almost there. It was very dark, and I wondered if anyone else had seen her. The more I thought about stopping to help her, I could hear Bryan in my head saying "You are alone in the car, anything could happen so don't you dare think of stopping." Which than made me think of all the horrible things that could happen. But the two scenario's that keep me chuckling are as follows: I pull over, unroll the window ask if she would like some help and the blanket is thrown back to reveal a man that is holding a gun and he says for me to give him my money. The second one starts out the same however this time when the blanket is thrown back it is to reveal an alien/monster that comes through the window and tries to suck the life out of me. I have to say, not stopping was probably a better adventure than what may have happened if I did. When I got home I told Bryan all about it. He looked at me as if I had lost it, than he congratulated me on not stopping and then informed me I was not allowed to watch Supernatural any more. I still feel rather bad for not stopping, and hope that everything has turned out ok. Since there hasn't been any news reports about a crazy small man stealing hand bags or bodies find on the side of the road having their life sucked out of them, I feel it is safe to say my scenario's are wrong. Having reflected on this though I have to wonder how often do we create scenario's that aren't real? What do we get from creating them and are we even aware of how often we do this?
Today's guidance is: My Higher Education continues, Practice Makes Perfect, & Stress Management ( uncertain that I have stress, which means I am in denial and I do. Dag nabit!)
I Surrender & Trust

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


They are at it again. This is the second attempt at writing today. I hope it works. My guidance for today is Monitor my Emotions, Love and Higher Education. I have a difficult time staying focused and every time I attempt to do something it seems to go a rye. If this goes through I am grateful.
I surrender & trust.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Steady Progress

Some days I feel as if "Steady Progress" is at a snails pace. Then I remember that my super hero is Master Ugway, and that "slow & steady" win the race. Than I imagine myself pushing to hard to achieve, which in turn brings the "Pause" card to mind. So, I realized that "Steady Progress" is a friendly reminder to me that I am moving forward, not to push or I will end having to Pause. Jim-miny Cricket's that is a lot to learn on a Monday. I had a wonderful weekend, the Wedding Ceremony went off with out a hitch. I enjoyed it. I had fun at my friends birthday party and became aware that my little "Kill-deer" bird friend has returned. Sweeeeeeet. Not to mention that I got to spend time with my wonderful husband. Today has started out amazing as well. I love what I do and feel so blessed that I get to work with the most amazing individuals.
Guidance today is: Move (unsure), Forgiveness, Believe
I surrender & Trust

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I was a rebel yesterday and ignored the guidance that I was given. Does this mean I wasn't given the guidance? Absolutely not. My Higher Education showed up as a test of how well I am "Trusting" myself and God. Speaking my Truth was discussing with my good friend Kimberley about my test, by doing so I also learned the truth. I was extremely tired by 2:00 pm and I didn't do my meditation or take a nap. I read a book instead. Because I neglected myself I paid for it later in the day. Therefor, my night was filled with all the information I would have received during my meditation. I woke up tired. I am filled with new hope and idea's though, so it was worth it. Today I give myself permission to heal and forgive myself for the choices I made yesterday.
Guidance for Today: Faith (unsure), Animals (unsure), Steady Progress
I Surrender & Trust

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Healthy Eating day 2

I am did awesome yesterday, three glasses of water in the morning, lasagna for lunch and I shared a pastrami sandwich and onion rings with my husband at Apollo Burgers. ( I feel sharing was the healthy part). My Faith was tested in the form of a reimbursement for services I offered. I was unsure if an individual would pay me, I left it to Faith and I did. Lastly, as an Activist, I am still unsure about, I feel it has more to do with me talking about what I do. For example; I was talking to a friend about finding a particular type of Wedding Ceremony for an upcoming wedding ceremony I am to perform. This set her off wanting to know why I needed to know, which in turn became an interrogation on how come she to didn't know I am a Minister. Long story short, I never got around to telling her about the Jedi Knight Certificate I found. I swear my days are one big adventure after another.
Guidance for Today is: Higher Education, Sleep, & Speak Your Truth
I am excited now. I Surrender & Trust

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Healthy Eating

This for me has always been a challenge. Eating in general is not something I focus on. It isn't until my husband says to me "here have a sandwich or when was the last time you ate something?" that I remember to eat. So, with the guidance yesterday being healthy eating, does a Snickers bar, coffee, a glass of orange juice, 4 Oreo's and two helpings of lasagna count. I personally think that the Snickers and the Oreo's are the healthiest parts. JK. I realize it is a reminder to take better care of myself. I did have four classes of water that is healthy. I promise to do better today. As for the Love and You Found it, I am unsure. I know I will see it when I am meant to. It just accord to me that You Found it may be the trip to Disneyland I have been looking for. I did find a great deal & Love is what I feel everytime I meet with a client, see my kids smile and when my kitty curls up in my lap. It also happened to be a session focus with a client, learning about unconditional Love. Oh my goodness,
I Found it. Look a double wammy.
Guidance for today is: Healthy Eating (unsure, weird), Faith, and Activist (unsure)
I am laughing at the Healthy Eating again. Is this three times in a row? I get it.
I surrender & trust.

Monday, March 15, 2010


When ever I pull this guidance I immediately think of my own pets. However shortly there after I was reminded that it is all animals. From that moment I received this information, there were birds outside my window, dogs and a horse on the path behind my home. Driving I saw two hawks and three ravens. Animals are another way in which angels try to communicate. The birds i saw told me to bring love into my life, the dogs said to use intution to find new ideas & solutions; horse reminded me to be free, have faith & endurance; hawks: be observant and take advantage of opportunities. Lastly, the crows helped me to let go of past hurts and learn to mental shape shift. Wow, that was alot to get in a weekend. As for Healthy eating, I made myself breakfast Friday (I know shocking). Lastly, I felt such love all weekend from friends and family. The parade was rainy and cold, yet my husband, son, mom and several friends stood out there waiting to see us. I feel so blessed. This week has a lot in store for me and I am looking forward to the learning experiences and opportunities I will have.
Guidance for today is: Love (unsure), Healthy Eating (weird), You Found It (unsure)
I Surrender & Trust

Friday, March 12, 2010


PAUSE. It is a learning experience to do this. My day was completely filled yesterday, and then right after breakfast I had things canceled and cleared for the day. I ended up cleaning out the hall closet and doing laundry. Cleaning is a great way to PAUSE. In my cleaning I learned that getting rid of old things is "Cleansing". "Out with old in with the new." Feeling loved came from my two bestest friends and my husband. It feels warm, truthful, and peaceful. I like receiving it. My friend Kimberly gave me an analysis that I would like to pass on to you. It has to do with the cleaning. When you walk into your closet, look at all of those clothes, really see what reflects you. You may have hand-me-downs from grandma, mom and sisters. You may have pass overs from friends, but if you stand there and look at them you can see who you were and who you are becoming. Now, do you really want to put on those stretch pants with leg warmers ever again? Really? I give you permission to let that part of you go. I suggest you think about this some more. I challenge you to try this exercise.
Today's guidance is : Healthy eating, Love, & Animals.
I Surrender & Trust

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Stress Managment

It is funny how we allow outside influences decide how we will feel for the day. I received the "Be Brave, and Stress management" cards yesterday, because I got our taxes done, and I had a performance last night. I began worring about having the taxes done, how much it will cost, did I have all the paper work, can I trust this new person to do it correctly, etc. As for the performance will I get there on time, have everything I will need for myself and Madi, will I remember the steps, will I lose my hair (I did), and will we get home safely. Those worries are for only two things I had for the day. (If you think about it, in truth neither one of those things are worth spending a lot time focusing on.) I did a lot of deep breathing and visualization. It helped. I made it through the day with out any major catastrophes. I also discovered what set me off on the road to "Uh"(that place where, you hear people talking, but the words are not sticking, and you have that blank look on your face). Again, it was from an outside source. I am in the process of releasing it. I have that excited feeling again and I am looking forward to what will appear. At the end of the day it all worked out and I did feel God's Love.
Guidance for today is: Vision, Learning Experience, and Pause (this is becoming my favorite)
I Surrender & Trust

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Quick note

It has been a great morning, I mean that in a sarcastic sort of way. I have a huge sinus headache, the printer refuses to print off anything that is horizontal and I am still unable to get onto Facebook. On the bright side, my car has returned safely and seems to be running happily. Hurray. I have several appointments this morning so this will have to be brief. I am grateful for the message to Pause yesterday. I did so, and I feel some what better today.
Guidance for today is : Be Brave, Love (unsure), Stress Management
I Surrender & Trust

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wise Decision

The clients I work with are amazing. Yesterday, was a fun filled day, I worked most of the day. By 4:00 pm I was tired (Sleep). To rejuvenate myself for the rest of the evening I meditated and than took a cat nap (animals). My daughter received high complements at her Parent teacher Conference. The place where the I had my Wise decision was not to stress about my car and to not throttle the 10 year old behind the counter at Arby's who insisted that he had given us all of our food even after we had showed him our tray and the receipt. After a brief discussion he said "oh", as we emptied the tray off we realized we still were missing fries. Normally I wouldn't push the issue, but after his attitude the first time and the fact that they short us the last time we had be there, it became a matter of principle. Needless to say we got our fries and made the decision we wouldn't be returning to this Arby's again (Wise decision).
Guidance for today is: Pause ( oh yeah), Wise Decision (unsure), Look Deeper
I surrender & trust

Monday, March 8, 2010


I had so much fun Friday and Saturday. My husband and I played the Wii all by ourselves Friday. Saturday, I got up way early, went and volunteered at a food co-op. Came home got the family and headed out for the day. We went to breakfast, went to the Thia belly dancing event downtown. I am amazed at any woman who can do that with a straight face. Ever time I attempt to do it I end up laughing. Not to mention my 12 year old son insisted he didn't want to ever see me do that. Which of course had me doing just that. We spent more time together. On the way home the car (which had gotten back Friday) broke down again (stress management). My sister and her husband were kind enough to rescue us. I am unsure of how to feel about this, I do know that it isn't my challenge. I feel blessed for who am I am, and how I am growing. Car difficulties are only a lesson on how I perceive I am traveling in life. There are times I feel as if my car (human body) has broken down. I will not push the issue any further and have Faith that it will work out.
I Surrender & Trust
Guidance for today is: Animals (unsure), Sleep, Wise Dicision, Confidence (unsure)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Truth, Faith

How do you see the truth? I mean where is the line between trusting someone and allowing them to take advantage of you? I could see the truth and didn't want to believe it. This is a continuation of my higher learning. All I know is I have to stand up and speak my truth. The other truth I have to face is even though my truth is to help heal others, I may have to cause discomfort in order to help them heal. This in turn is uncomfortable for me as it feels as if I am going against my nature. I did eat well yesterday and I danced around with a song in my heart, having Faith that all is working out. (Just got the chills, must be on to something there). I am grateful for all I am learning.

Guidance for today: Love, Stress Management, Child (ya, I get to play)
I Surrender & Trust

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Talk about Higher Education. Yesterday, my BF Kimberly and I had a great conversation. I discussed with her the things I am learning and how I am applying them in my personal and professional life. She too has been growing. It was in this sharing that I was given some huge information. The idea and possibilities of it gave me chills. I know more clearly what it is I am meant to do with my life. I will stay the course and learn more. The Practice makes Perfect is about focus. The document I am currently working on ,I have been all over the place acquiring information and I am to stop doing that; focus on one resource, once I have obtained all the necessary information, I can move on to the next one. My confidence was tested also in a conversation with a new colleague. I am better now.
Guidance for today is: Healthy Eating, Move, Optimism (unsure)
I Surrender & Trust!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Learning experience

I have had quite the day. Yesterday, was a great day I spent time with my sister, worked with a client and took my daughter to dance. The day changed after that. While my daughter was at dance I took the car in for an oil change and walla, I drove away made it down the street before it died. I still have know idea what is wrong with it, but I have Faith that it will be fixed and all will be well. My analogy of this however is; apparently I was pushing to hard again and thus the reason for "Pause". I was unsure about this, well I guess I don't get to decided now do I. The Miracle for me was the fact that I was able to pull the car in to a church parking lot. Had I made a different decision, on where I was headed, I would have ended up on the side of the road. So, I know I am blessed and being watched over. As for Move, I put all my frustrations into dance class last night.
My day began with when I came home from taking me daughter to school, the garage door wouldn't open. In short I am going through a Learning Experience of FAITH.
Guidance for Today: Learning Experience (I knew it), Higher education, Practice Makes Perfect & Confidence (this one jumped out and I am unsure)
I Surrender and Trust!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Looking Deeper

My looking deeper yesterday consisted of me studying Harmonics and than mediating on it. It was amazing. I think harmonics are a great way to bring your body and soul back together. The Reward for this was the knowledge. I can not wait to put what I have learned to use. I struggled with Peaceful. Several times yesterday I had the sudden urge to strangle a child. I refrained, this didn't help with the urge though. In the end Peacefulness did arrive when all went to bed YEAH. I am excited to continue with learning.
I Surrender & Trust
Guidance for today: Move, Miracle(unsure), Pause (crap again, unsure)

Monday, March 1, 2010

What a week

I knew it would it be a great week. I started it off with a full moon meditation. It was a powerful experience. I invite you all to attend this months.
I just finished a session with an amazing client. She also has an awesome week ahead of her.
I am feeling strong and certain of my purpose. I question the why at times, but I am understanding the need for it. My guidance for today is: Look Deeper, Reward, Peaceful (unsure). I am unsure of Peaceful as I am Looking Deeper, and sometimes what I find when looking deeper doesn't always leave a Peaceful feeling. Like discovering what your bellybutton is made out of EWWWWWW. JK, at times even that is better than what I find. I am being asked to look deeper as I have been asking a lot of questions, because I am taking this to heart I will be reward for my effort. It shall be interesting to see what it shows up as.
I Surrender & Trust.