
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wisdom of Disney

I have loved Disney since it first came out. Do you remember watching "Peter and the Wolf" in Fourth grade to learn about musical instruments? That and Snow White are my first memories. As a child Disney made me laugh and feel good. It didn't matter what movie it was I always felt good after watching it. Before I had children I use to get teased about owning every Disney movie, I didn't have children why would I have them. Now that I have children, they tease me about being able to quote from them. I still feel good after watching a Disney movie, but as an adult I see the wisdom in each movie. I was awaken at 1:56 am this morning thinking about how much I have learned from Disney.
I believe yesterday my higher education came from sessions with three amazing women. Each one reminded me of things I had forgotten, had put aside, and my own trigger words. I comment alot about how computers and I don't play well, I am not as computer savvy as most & the fact I am still trying to learn how to use my new phone. Thank you Allyson for correcting me. It isn't that I can not nor that I don't, it is because I would rather not. In truth, it requires me to do concrete thinking, which is a challenge for someone who switches from abstract to fragmented in one sentence. I would like to thank these ladies for assisting me in my growth. There is a saying " a good teacher learns from hers student." Thank you for helping me be that teacher.
How does this connect with Disney, well, last night "Kung Fu Panda" was on. Talk about a movie full of lessons. I watched it with my kids and husband, we laughed, we cried, and I once again had a saying stick in my head, (the one that woke me up) "There is no secret to the secret ingredient soup, it is special because you believe that it is." "You are the secret." Don't get caught up in the "WHY" or "How" accept it and allow it to evolve. I ask you to sit with that thought. So here is what my belief was, that computer work is hard and concrete; yep since I believed it, it was true. My new belief is computers are easy and fun to work with.
I surrender & Trust
Guidance today: Generosity, Vision, Triumphant

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