
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Surrender, let go.

I have been corrected, "Dude", means: an infected hair on an elephant's ass. Ewww, even worse.
With that being said, as soon as I let go of the "Why, just and how" questions that I allowed to plague me for the past week, I had an amazing awakening. Rather than fighting or arguing with my intuition I followed through with it. Now a world of opportunities has open up to me. I am so excited I can not contain it. This is how my Faith showed up yesterday. I realized that when I let go of what I thought my vision should look like and surrendered to God, my Vision is coming true. In light of my awakening, I had a come back to human form right after, which has left me scard. I was completely in my imagination and possibilities, I forgot I was cooking dinner. I reached into the microwave to grab a scalding hot ceramic mug. Reality came pouring back in as soon as I lifted the mug, and because I was committed to getting the mug out, I switched hands. Needless to say I have a blister on my left palm and my right thumb and pointer finger are a tad sensitive. Note to self: don't do your day dreaming while cooking. Also, be present or you will miss a true opportunity. Thank you for the lesson.
I Surrender & Trust.
Guidance for today: Stress Management, Optimism, and Healing (I believe this is for my burns, but I surrender that also.)

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