
Thursday, February 25, 2010


I was able to write yesterday, however after I wrote, I couldn't get into anything else. My website, facebook and I don't recall the other one. I had been blocked out of all forms of communication. Has this ever happened to you? I am still blocked out of two things, any suggestions?
My guidance yesterday was about Commitment, Love, & practice makes perfect. I believe it was a reminder to re-commit myself to helping others heal and practice my gifts more. It was also a reminder to love myself more when facing conflict. We all have different trials, but rather than degrading or demeaning ourselves for not achieving what we perceive is our best is not healthy or helpful. Love yourself in spite of all those things. That does take practice to become good at it, so start now.
Guidance for today:Practice Makes Perfect, Confidence, Optimism (unsure)

I Surrender & Trust

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