
Monday, January 25, 2010


Can I just say that January isn't one of my most favorite months. Not only is it cold and snowy, it reminds me of all the things I didn't achieve last year and points out all the things I am looking to achieve this year as not possible. There are days I would like to not get out of bed. I am beginning to think that I took on more than I can chewy, "Working with Angels" can kick your butt even when you aren't looking. I have come to the conclusion they have a sense of humor. For this I am very grateful.
The last four days I have had people tell me to give up. It has been hurtful, disheartening and makes me want to. I won't though, because I know this is where I am suppose to be and all this is a test to see how committed I am to achieving. I also know that this will continue as it helps me re-connect to my reasons for doing so. Last week I prayed harder than I have in a long time, I also saw my confidence waver at a new networking group (believing that I wouldn't be accepted), I made Peace with myself in the end.
What showed up is that I attempt to promote something I use rather than who I am. I don't have the "Passion" in it. Where my passion truly lies is teaching individuals "LifeSkills" that will help them improve their current reality, teach them how to connect with their guardian angels & guides so they don't feel alone and teach them love themselves. I am passionate about who I am and the gifts God gave me. The question is, how do I promote that?
I Surrender & Trust.
Guidance for today/tomorrow: Confidence, *Healthy Eating (doubting this), Don't Compromise
*I find this rather funny as I started a detox regiment today and I am not to thrilled about it.

1 comment:

  1. Stick to your plan. Only you know what's best for you!!
