
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Higher Education

Right off the bat, I want you to know that as soon as I figure out how to work the web cam on my computer, I will than be able to upload or download my vision board. Until then, Trust that I have it completed.

I am really enjoying "Brida" I learned last night there are four types of rings. We can choose which one we are to wear in this lifetime. However, you may not realize which one you have chosen until you are ready to depart this world. I have narrowed it down to two. When I know for sure I will let you know. The other thing I learned about was Wisdom, the definition in this book really caught my attention. I feel I would like to sit and digest it for a bit before I expand further on it. I feel all this falls under the Higher Education card I drew. I learned so much yesterday that I cann't recall all of it nor how it pertains to where I am going. I do know that when I wish to use it, it will be there.

I am so grateful for the experiences I had yesterday, they reminded me to take the time and listen to what matters (what was a part of my goal for the year?) Thank you angels for assisting me in recognizing this. Doubt has crept in more than once the last few days. I am getting better at letting go of it and replacing it with possibilities. I honestly didn't see the Miracle that occurred. Do I doubt that it occurred; no. It means that it wasn't a miracle I was to share.

One thing about New Year Dreams, as you are on the path to achieving them, you do tend to go through an array of emotional highs and lows. I wonder if this is what it is like to Manic? Do any of you know? Because, I seriously go through really highs and than at times I would like to sit down and cry. Do any of you experience this or is this just me?

I surrender!!!

Today's guidance: Sleep, Forgiveness (unsure), Signs from above (unsure)

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