
Monday, June 8, 2009


I love to dance, my kids love to dance. I have just attached pictures of them dancing. Dancing is a great way to get rid of negative energy. Have you ever felt like you could punch someone in the nose, and knew that wasn't a good idea? I suggest dancing it off, I mean really can you truly stay mad or irritated when YMCA comes on? Better yet can you refuse the urge to stop what you are doing to do the YMCA when it is on? If so, I feel you should dance more, you are wound up to tight. My suggestion for the day is to down load a bunch of songs that make you move and name it, "songs to release frustration so you don't kill any one." It is a rule at our house that if the "Macarana, YMCA, or the Cha Cha Slide" comes on we all stop what we are doing and dance to it. Yes, that is a warning to any of you that are planning to visit my home. Have a funalicious day!

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